Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Oroquin 10 - Day 5

I can't begin to say how much stronger and more balanced Blue is day over day. He nickered to us as we walked up to his stall this afternoon, and I put him in the arena and left him to see what he would do on his own.
With just a little urging, he picked up a trot and kept it up for more than a minute! Just happily trotting around the arena.
As I prepared his food and medicine, I left my 10-year-old daughter in the arena with Blue. This is the first time in a month that I have felt confident enough for her to be so close to him.
Even 2-year-old Clark got in on the fun by helping mix Blue's feed and adding treats on top:
No pic from behind tonight - Blue wasn't being overly cooperative about it and I had to keep an eye on Clark, who has not figured out that horses are bigger than he is.

I still don't know for sure if the Oroquin is the cause of this major turnaround, if the effects will last for Blue, or if he has any permanent central nervous system damage. But I do know that today was wonderful. It was absolutely wonderful to have my horse back - to play with and share him with my children.
This was the "Day 5" I dreamed of having.

Here are our Day 5 Horse Selfies:

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