Saturday, May 28, 2016

Oroquin 10 - Day 2

AM: Major change in mood today for Bluehorse. He nickered at me as soon as I came into the barn and wanted his treats. I slipped his halter on and took him out to hand graze.

Shock of my life - he trotted past me to get to the clover. He was moving around quite a bit on his own out there, and he looked... Happy.

The flies and gnats are out in full force at 9 am here, and while I of course remembered to spritz him, the bugs were eating me alive, so we came back in.

I have holiday weekend plans this afternoon, but I intend to come out this evening to give Blue a nice bath and some more hand grazing after the sun goes down.

No video this morning - I was just trying to keep up!

PM: Blue was full of himself tonight, dragging me around and being contrary. But he was alert and happy, and I gave him a bath that I don't think he fully appreciates :)
I notice that he still stands very tilted in the hind, but he no longer looks quite as precarious. He walks with purpose and he can get where he wants to go.
The flies here are horrible already, and I am using an incredible amount of flyspray. I'm going to put the spot fly treatment on tomorrow. (hence the bath)
Blue does seem to get tired quickly. He was filthy dirty, and by the time I had sufficiently sudsed him up and rinsed him off, he was showing signs of exhaustion. He returned to his stall and box fan happily.

OH - and note on the Oroquin today. Tonight was Dose 3. I still had the maple syrup covered feed that he had objected to on Dose 1, and I wanted to see if I could convince him of its deliciousness. Today, without coercion or violence, he happily ate every single grain of it.

Because clearly Bluehorse runs the show around here :)

Not much of a video today. Blue was more interested in following me around than walking out like a good boy. But I think this shows the increased balance I'm noticing:

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