Monday, May 30, 2016

Oroquin 10 - Day 4

AM: Happy Memorial Day! Blue decided to lead me on quite an adventure this morning. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
First, I was super happy to see that he is FILTHY on one side - must have slept well!
Today Blue looks stronger and more certain of his feet. As you can see, he still stands with his right hind "kicked out," but that left hind is able to compensate for the most part.
Here his is walking. So far, he has had four doses of Oroquin 10.
Remember, though, that he also got a shot of Dex last night. On one hand, I am grateful for the Dex because if there is inflammation from the parasites dying, he isn't feeling it much. However, it makes you wonder - what is helping, the Oroquin or the Dex?

Because he was so excited about the three blades of grass he found growing in the indoor arena, I took him outside for some hand grazing. Blue has figured out that I absolutely hate to tug on his head. So I let him lead me this way and that way, and I try not to direct him too sharply for fear of unbalancing him.

HOWEVER, my horse is nobody's fool, and he figured out that if he puts his head down and turns a circle, I won't pull on his face. This often puts me in an awkward position. Today was no exception. He did this right up against the equipment barn, leaving me behind him and unable to reach around.

So I dropped the rope and went to move around AND BLUE RAN OFF!

That's right. Trotted right off without a look behind him, dragging his leadrope with him. I figured he would just go to the grass, but no. He trotted down the grassy lane and then BACK and finally let me catch him by the manure pile.

I didn't get a picture en chase, but here is a photo after I captured him.

He doesn't look sorry.

I thought I was having a heart attack. What a morning.

And he had the nerve to be mad at me when I caught him and stuck him back in his stall - here's a shot of him ignoring my offer of a cookie.
Worry not. His adventurous spirit is greater than his pride - it didn't take long for him to eat his cookie.

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