Friday, June 10, 2016

Waiting on Levamisole

Post-Oroquin, we are waiting on the delivery of Levamisole.

Levamisole is sort of an old-school drug, used years ago by sheep ranchers to deworm the flock. So how does it help Bluehorse?

Dr. Ellison writes:
"The anti-protozoal drug deciquinate was effective as shown by a reduction in titer post treatment in this study. The marked improvement in clinical signs may be partially due to the effects of levamisole as an immune midulator or effects on other neurobiological mechanisms. One such effect is the possiblity that S. neurona or the immune response to the organism damages some upper motor neuron function that is responsive to levamisole therapy."

You can read the full paper here:

So basically this support medication could potentially help Blue even more. Like I said before, no complaints about Blue's incredible improvement - but there are lingering issues that I would love to see resolved. My fears about relapse are very real. If the levamisole can clear up just a few of Blue's issues - stiffness, ongoing weakness, awkward rear-end stance - then let's do it.

We are waiting on the drug now, then it will be 14 days of trying to get Blue to eat it.

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