Thursday, June 2, 2016

Oroquin 10 - Day 7

Not the best day for Bluehorse.

First I noticed that he was leaning against the stall wall again. I fed him his grain and he ate it, but was almost disinterested and depressed when I put him out in the arena to walk. He was also dragging both hind toes.

Here's the hind end tilt shots of the day:

His girlfriend started feeling the affects of being cooped up in a stall for so long, and needed to be out tonight. Blue stood at the arena door and just looked out over the field. He didn't call, and he was happy for the love of Emily and her best friend, but he looked sad.

Executive decision: Blue gets to spend the night outside with his friends. This is a big decision and I didn't come to it lightly.
First, I don't want him to be the only one in the barn. I could tell that would stress him out. But I also didn't want him to be outside in the middle of the night and become overly exhausted, especially with a less than awesome mood/movement report from me.
After some deliberation, I decided to leave him out with his herd because I think he will be less stressed outside than inside. I bet I don't sleep a wink tonight.

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